Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The List In Progess

Here are the recommendations I've gleaned from word of mouth, plus a few of my own.

The Decameron (Boccaccio)
The Ghost Map (Johnson)
Lolita (Nabokov)
The Invisible Man (Wells)
Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man (Joyce)
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer)
The Glass Castle (Walls)
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Khun)
Sociability and Slang (Eble)
East of Eden (Steinbeck)
Signal and Noise (Griesemer)
Middlesex (Eugenides)
Mediated (Zengotita)

Academic (Articles/Books)
Cognitive Semantics (Talmy)
Cognitive Grammar (Langacker)
Gestures Accompanying Verbal Route Directions... (Allen)
What the Face Reveals (Ekman)

Time to Start

This summer I plan to do a lot of reading. I mean a lot. Like a semesters worth and then some. But I don't really want to restrict my reading material to a single topic or genre. I'm interested in everything from uber academic papers to 'young adult' pulpy romances.

So here's where you come in. I am effectively trying to make my summer reading list a google doc that I have shared with all of my friends. This means that my summer reading will, in a large part, be determined by your recommendations. I'm looking for those life-changing, mind-blowing books. I'm looking for guilty pleasures and diamonds in the rough. Point me to the A, B, C's of academics, in any field, so long as you have a purpose in recommending it. Whatever you think desreves a place on my bookshelf this summer, just post the title as a comment here on the blog.

I'm not promising to read every book on the list and it's nothing personal if I don't get to your book this summer. But I do intend to write up little responses, like less rigid, less conventional grade school book reports, to everything I read. So if you're curious swing by the blog every once in a while to see whats on my bookshelf and add to the pile.